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How do I know if I’m a candidate for RLE?

If you are over 45 and you have been told that LASIK surgery is not a good option for you, you are probably a good candidate for RLE. A big advantage to RLE is that we can restore both near and distance vision.

If you are over 55 you will most likely benefit from RLE over any other procedure. Of course, each individual is unique and some may be better suited for LASIK or PRK. At K2 Vision, we will carefully analyze your eyes, consider your safety profile and long-term desires and help you make the best decision.

How do I know if I’m a candidate for ICL?

If you are under the age of 45 and LASIK surgery poses a higher than average risk for you then you are probably a good candidate for ICL surgery. The front chamber of your eye must be big enough to accommodate an ICL (over 3 millimeters). We can measure your eye and help you decide if this is your best option during your initial consultation.

How long should I expect to be in the surgery center for my procedure?

For RLE you can expect to be in the surgery center for approximately 1.5 to 2 hours from start to finish.

For ICL, patient arrival is typically one hour prior to the procedure for dilation and topical anesthesia. The procedure takes 5 to 10 minutes per eye. Then you return 2 hours afterwards for a quick pressure check. So you would want to set aside about 4 hours total.

How long is the recovery?

For both RLE and ICL we expect your vision to be vastly improved by the day after your surgery. Sometimes this improvement takes place on the very same day. You can then plan to experience increasing clarity throughout the next week.

What are the costs?

We offer a single fee for all lens-implant procedures. For more information, please see our Pricing section.

Shouldn’t I just wait to have cataract surgery?

In the United States, about half of all Americans will have cataracts by age 75. By age 80, about 75% of Americans will have developed cataracts. After RLE, there is no chance that you will develop a cataract because the dysfunctional lens of your eye will be replaced with an intraocular lens implant (ICL) that restores sharp, clear vision. These new technologies allow us to restore better quality vision for distance and near earlier so that you can get back to enjoying your life without the need for glasses or contacts before you reach the point of cataract formation.

Will I still need cataract surgery eventually?

With RLE, there is no chance that you will eventually need cataract surgery. ICL patients will eventually develop cataracts.

Will my insurance cover these procedures?

RLE is an elective surgery, which few insurances cover. However, we have payment plans to make the procedure more affordable.

Can I drive myself home after my surgery?

During your surgery, you will be given a light sedative to make the experience more comfortable. Therefore, a driver is required to transport you home. Most of our patients feel comfortable driving themselves into the office the following day for their post-op visit.

What if I’m not happy with my results?

With both RLE and ICL surgery, it is rare to find a patient who is dissatisfied with their outcome. However, all implants are removable and replaceable for patients who may experience unwanted images or side effects. In Dr. Kopstein’s experience of over 30,000 implant surgeries, he has had to remove only 6 patients’ implants. With the newest technology lenses at K2 Vision, we have not yet had to remove any implants. After the eye heals, there is a small chance that the eye shape changes or that the implant “settles” into an unpredictable position. Most often, this situation resolves itself. However, if any residual correction is needed, surface laser may be used to fine tune results. This is usually performed after refractive stability is achieved— typically between 6-12 weeks after surgery. There is no additional charge for these enhancements.

What steps are you taking to create a safe, sterile environment in light of Covid-19?

We are following all Washington State guidelines for the prevention and monitoring of SARS-CoV-2. Read more